Fy Iesu Brenin nef a [dae'r / llawr]

(Dymuniad am lwyddiant ar y Gair, &c.)
Fy Iesu, Brenin nef a llawr,
  Ei hunan unig yw,
Trwy bwrcas llawn
    ei werthfawr waed,
  Iachawdwr dynol ryw.

    Aed ei air i blith y werin,
    Sy'n y Dwyrain a'r Gorllewin,
    Fel bo'i enw mawr heb derfyn;
        Canu iddo, canu iddo,
      Halelwia 'gylch y byd.

Mae clywed newydd am ei waed
  Yn llifo ar Galfari,
Yn un o'r pethau mwya'i fraint
  A fedd ein daear ni.

Fe gâr y Negro tywyll dû
  E'n hyfryd maes o law,
Pan d'wyno gwawr
    efengyl gras
  I dir yr India draw.

Fe ddaw'r blynyddau pur i ben,
  Pan d'wyno efengyl gras,
Fel haul disgleirwyn yn y nef,
  Yn gylch i'r ddaear las.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686+88447]:
Ashley (Martin Madan 1725-90)
Zion's Glory (<1825)

  Mae clywed newydd am y gwaed
  Y'mhlith holl ryfeddodau'r nef

(Wish for success upon the Word, &c.)
My Jesus, King of heaven and earth,
  Himself alone is,
Through the full purpose
    of his precious blood,
  The Saviour of human kind.

    Let his word go amongst the people,
    Who are in the East and the West,
    Thus be his great name without end;
        Sing unto him, sing unto him,
      Hallelujah around the world.

News is heard about his blood
  Flowing on Calvary,
In one of the things of greatest privilege
  Which our earth possesses.

The dark, black Negro shall love
  Him delightfully soon,
When shines the light of the dawn
    of the gospel of grace
  To the land of yonder India.

The pure years shall come to fulfilment,
  When the gospel of grace shall shine,
Like the brightly shining sun in heaven,
  Around the blue-green earth.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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